Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A review of our events!

So... a bit of writing to capture the whole day!! We headed out a little before 9am for our mini vacation! Unfortunately Bob didn't think the GPS was correct (and I have NO clue) so we did not follow the GPS and realized to late it was telling us the correct way... so... our trip 'detour' tacked on an extra 25 minutes. We did make it safe and sound to Dutch Wonderland and after suntan lotioning, changing, and RJ pottying... we got into the park just a few minutes after 11am. We checked the schedule and planned our day around seeing the Thomas show and the Princess show! The kiddos went on several rides and then we got lunch. After lunch we did just a ride or two then got to see a fun-filled Thomas show full of singing! RJ and Morgan both enjoyed it!! After Thomas we went on some more rides then headed to the water park area. We stayed in the water area for a while and then headed back into the dry park just in time to see the princess show! The princess show was nice because Princess Brooke invites the kiddos to come sit on rugs in front of her and she reads a book to them. Morgan and RJ (yea!) sat on the rugs and listened to the entire story without interrupting! After the princess read along we went back to tackling the rides! Morgan refused the little roller coaster (that only goes in a circle with two little hills). It was even purple and she still said no. RJ was a little bit too small for it! Next year I think RJ will enjoy it with me!! Around 6:30 we finished up with one last ride on the merry-go-round before leaving the park.

We headed to our hotel and after deciding whether to go out or not, our final decision was to eat poolside at the hotel! We all enjoyed the water and then ate supper. After supper Bob and I watched the kiddos have fun in the kiddo section of the pool yard.

We all went to sleep... Bob and Morgan, RJ and I... Morgan fell out of bed two times during the night! One of the times she woke up hysterically screaming and almost inconsolable. Of course, she woke RJ up too and I had to get out of bed and comfort her... She calmed down FINALLY and RJ started screaming. I then comforted him before we all went back to sleep. RJ is a squirmy sleeper. Needless to say I didn't get a lot of sleep... hand in my face, foot kicking my stomach, head on my pillow, feel in my face, you get the point! We all woke up the next morning and started a new day!

After grabbing breakfast at Sheetz (way too expensive at our hotel) we headed out to our buggy ride. We waited for about 20 minutes for our turn to ride. The kiddos enjoyed it. I always get my hopes up that I will see the farmers working in the fields, but it didn't happen again. oh well. We saw lots of corn that we were informed was animal feed, not for human consumption. We also saw an orchard of peaches. Yum!

After our buggy ride we went to the Strasburg Railroad. We decided against taking the ride, we thought RJ might not have the attention span to sit still that long... We got pictures and ate at the train station before heading to the outlets for a little shopping.

We stopped at Bob's favorite furniture store before we headed to the outlets. A long hot afternoon of shopping and Miller's Restaurant for supper before heading back to the outlets for one last store for Bob before heading home!

Morgan passed out immediately... RJ passed out five minutes from home! Ha!! He tried his hardest, he just couldn't fight the urge to sleep any longer!

We all had a great time, hot, but a great time!!

I leave you with some pictures from our shows!

Some pictures from Thomas the Train show!

Some pictures from the Princess show!

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