Friday, July 22, 2011


"I want to go to the Carnibal" out of Morgan's mouth!

Our local fire company is holding it's annual carnival this weekend and next weekend. Since Bob works next weekend, we went this weekend. We like to go and support our local fire department, just in case we ever need them!! (And Bob works with the chief... kind of obligated!) It wasn't very crowded due to the heat I am guessing! There were only a few rides the kiddos could go on (it isn't a big carnival) and they went on them several times! RJ wanted to go in the firehouse 'ride', Morgan said no thank you. Don't worry... RJ REFUSED to come down and Morgan had to go up and retrieve him... what is it with my kids and being afraid of slides? After RJ got 'stuck' we took rides on a couple ponies! (This was the firehouse - I was too busy trying to con him to go down the slide to take any pictures of him at the top)

Rita's was set up at the carnival so we decided to enjoy them for dessert! Morgan took a spin on their wheel for a dollar... she won us a week worth of Rita's! 7 free Rita's coupons! Way to go kiddo!

After we enjoyed our cold water ice we headed home before it got too late! I hope the carnival picks up, I know the carnival is a big fundraiser for the fire department!

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