Friday, July 1, 2011


Alligator Fun!!

The pool from last year has a hole in it... no doubt from a dog last year! On to a new pool... the kiddos like this pool too! Anything that has water... they have a blast with! (I personally like the one from last year because it was twice the size, but oh well, at least it lasted all last summer! Hopefully the alligator lasts this whole summer!!)

RJ takes a bit longer to get in and does not last as long, but they have such a great time!! On another note... RJ is still doing awesome with potty training! He is still running around naked, but *knock on wood* he has had no accidents while awake and naked since Tuesday!! And Tuesday he only had one!! Nothing since then! I'm so proud of him!! I am amazed that he is capable of being potty trained!! Today he is OCCASIONALLY going potty on command, but he still usually says no and will only go when he feels the urge! Hey... I'll take anything I can get!! I love that kid so much!!

On ANOTHER note... Morgan said the cutest thing...

Morgan: "Momma, I want to marry Deklan when I get bigger."
Momma: "Really? Why?"
Morgan: "Momma, he is my favorite boy!
Momma: "He is? Why?"
Morgan: "I like playing with him. I just want to marry him, ok Momma?"
Momma: "Ok peanut!"

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