Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Errand Wednesday!

For some crazy reason, both my kids were up this morning by 7:30am!? Crazy!! RJ usually sleeps until right before 8 and Morgan until I don't know what got into them! Maybe the change from hot weather yesterday to cool weather today?! Who knows!

We ran errands today in the King of Prussia area. We ran into Aunt Jo and she showed us her new house! It is very nice, can't wait to see it when it is furnished! It all looked like her taste except the playroom which was a purple! But I think the colors are great! We ran to the mall while we were in the area. Morgan was well behaved so she got a lemonade as we were leaving. All she kept saying after every sip was, "Mmmm...good". She did share a sip with Momma, but she drank almost all of it!!

A shot of cousin Daisy Kay and RJ from Mandy's shower!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Terrific Tuesday!

We had lots of fun today!! We were outside and playing a lot today! Morgan even escaped in her diaper and boots! Too cute!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Time to get wet!

Morgan loves the water!! Today was the first day of the 'next' session at the Y. RJ started swim classes for the first time today! It wasn't his first time in the water, but it was his first time in an organized class (you can't start until you are 6 months).

Thank you to MeMom for helping me out! Morgan swims from 11:30-12 (while MeMom holds RJ), then we swap out and MeMom holds WET Morgan while RJ comes in with me from 12-12:30.

What fun!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Been a stranger!

Sorry I haven't written much this week! With both kids sick and trying to get my house together for the family get together we are having at the house my time to sit without doing something has been very limited!!!

Morgan went fishing with Daddy again today... this was her adorable attire (given by MeMom at Easter). She was so excited to go!! She wasn't so sure she wanted to go fishing again after Daddy asked her to touch a worm and she saw a wiggly fish in front of her! We'll see... Daddy wants to take her again next week!

This is the face I got today when I told Morgan it was nap time... gotta love it!

RJ had a great time in his saucer today~ THAT IS... while I sat with him!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cleaning and wiping

Cleaning the house and wiping noses, eyes, hands...

Stay away from this house for now!! Germs everywhere! Pray that Momma doesn't get this yucky, yucky cold!!

Filing Momma's nails after getting her own filed!

WHAT?! What is for me!? Oh...a yellow duck... for my mouth!

p.s. Grandmom was diagnosed with pneumonia! Hopefully she'll start feeling better soon! I will have to ask her nicely not to come the next time she has a cold!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Times two!



Wipe RJ's nose, wash hands....

Blow Morgan's nose, wash hands...

Wipe RJ's drool, wash hands...

Wipe Morgan's eyes, wash hands...

Wipe RJ's eyes, wash hands...


the life of a good mom!

(I am getting better... hating germs, being a good Momma to a sick kiddo is a hard task!)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It's official...actually as of yesterday at noon...RJ has a TERRIBLE cold. He has it all... runny nose, sneezing, coughing, tearing eyes, and congestion. Poor little guy. Last night he slept in my arms while I sat in the rocking chair for three or so hours because he didn't cough as much in the vertical position. Poor guy and tired Momma!

After our walk to the mailbox we stayed outside so Morgan could play. I made the mistake of leaving Morgan outside for just a few minute while I went downstairs to let the dogs out. In the time it took me to get downstairs, let the dogs out, come back upstairs and put my sneakers back on before heading outside Morgan was down in the mud...and no sooner did I see her... she sat down! Dirty little girl! Tomboy one-"O"-one! Oh boy...

Came inside and changed. ~~Change pants~~ Time for lunch. Attempting to feed poor sick RJ some avocado. He had no interest, but as I was paying attention to him Morgan decided that her lap would prefer to eat her yogurt instead of her mouth! Blueberry yogurt all over her jeans!
~~Change pants X 2~~
Momma was losing patience! After she finished eating it was bottle and nap time. She did not want to go to sleep so I told her that she could stay awake, she just needed to stay in her crib. I put Elmo (Thanks Ellen...she has been sleeping with Elmo since we moved into the new house!) to sleep and closed her door. One down, one to go! Came down to the playroom where RJ was screaming his little head off. Picked him up and he nursed and I put him down in his crib for his nap. Yes, his CRIB. I really need to get him to his own room!! So I bit the bullet and he went to sleep in his crib! Hopefully he likes his new room!

So now I have just a little time of peace and quiet...too bad I am so tired I don't feel like doing anything!! Time to go and try!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Busy weekend has passed!

Hanging out watching my big sister

Dog kisses

Bite the bubbles Nickel!

Blowing bubbles!

This weekend zipped by! Having class Friday night, and all day Saturday and Sunday makes the weekend literally disappear! But two weekends of that schedule and I am officially done 3 graduate credits (except for the paper I need to write)! I would much rather take a class in two weekends then have to go to school once a week for several months! Short and sweet and done!

Saturday Grandmom and Granddad came over to help Daddy with the kiddos. I was a little frustrated when I got home b/c Grandmom had a horrific cold! If she was that under the weather she should have called and cancelled! I know I would have! Now I am just waiting to see which kid comes down with a terrible cold! (As I write RJ's nose seems to be running more than his usual drool-nose-run...)

Saturday was so gorgeous! Daddy took Morgan out fishing. She had so much fun that after I got home from class on Sunday we all went out again! She loved holding Daddy's rod and picking up rocks and throwing them into the water. Daddy didn't like that because she was scaring the fish away! It was fun...although Daddy made us go through prickers to get to the stream...a few scratches later we did make it there though! It is so peaceful just to hear the sound of the stream slowly flowing by! Just to be outside!

Watching from a distance...

Daddy & Morgan fishing for fish...

RJ & Momma watching Daddy & Morgan

Sitting down to throw rocks in the stream...

What happens when you sit on a soggy bank!

Came in and got ready for supper. Ooops...Daddy didn't close the garage door tight and Lucky and Noel got out and started wandering around the neighborhood! We found them, it all worked out, thank goodness!

MeMom and PopPop came over to get their dogs back. We went out to supper with them to Red Robbin. We really enjoy that hamburger joint...personally I could go just for their bottomless freckled lemonade (strawberry lemonade with cut up strawberries in the drink). Got home and soon it was time for MeMom and PopPop to go home and for us to get Morgan and RJ ready for bed!

RJ is going for a ride!

By Morgan!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Morgan went to the sitter today. She needed to be ripped off my leg... poor thing with tears and all! It hurts me, but I know once I'm gone she really is fine!

What happens when RJ finds a washable crayon?

I thought they were all cleaned up... oops... guess I missed one... guess it is a good thing they ARE washable!

How can you get mad at that face?!

Today some neighbors came out and played with Morgan. It was very far I am really enjoying the neighborhood! Once it gets warmer I'm sure even more people will come out!

Nothing too much to report. We have MeMom and Pop Pop's dogs this weekend (Noel and Lucky) while they go away to Great Aunt Daisy's shore home.

I have class this weekend... bummer... but then I will have three graduate credits done in two weekends, I can handle it!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Good Samaritan

We had a day that started off great to a day that ended great! Morgan woke up in a happy mood and the Giampa twins came over to play this morning! Morgan played kind-of with them but it was more like parallel play. It was fun to watch the girls play. They all ate a yummy lunch of this and that...some peanut butter and jelly, egg salad, grapes, and cheese and played some more. RJ was great too just rolling around on the floor... I think he likes all the commotion! After the girls left Morgan and RJ were put down for naps. I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but I am trying to get RJ into a napping schedule, we'll see if it works!

After naps the kiddos and I packed up and headed to the grocery store (around 5pm). I was hoping it wouldn't be too crowded, that maybe it was most people's supper time. It was crowded, oh well. We got done grocery shopping with only one near melt down by Morgan... Fine get the $4.50 ice cream that was not on sale (We usually get the kind she wanted when it is on sale). As we were leaving and I was getting ready to start piling bags into the trunk a wonderfully nice stranger came over and offered to help me with my bags! How nice!! She said she had watched how good my kiddos were and she knew I would have to go home and empty my she helped me put all my bags into the car. There ARE some nice people still left in the world. Thank you stranger, whomever you were! It made me smile!
We got home home and as I was emptying the car Morgan wanted to stay in the car seat unbuckled...she woke RJ up and as I went in and out of the house RJ was screaming and Morgan was laughing. Wonderful! After we got everyone inside Morgan ate an amazing supper (for her!). She ate a whole hot dog, a container of pears, and two yogurts...followed by a bowl of ice cream and her night time milk! Holy cow!! She was hungry! RJ ate his sweet potatoes...a few sweet potato raspberries in my face, but other than that he ate most of what I fed him!

Then bed for all!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I like these

Nothing really exciting to report today...
RJ loved playing with Aunt Megan's 'baby' gift! He thought it was fun to pull tem off his feet and eat them! They fit his feet now!! He just loves to play with anything he can get his hands on!

Morgan loved playing with Daddy's cheap sunglasses that the eye doctor gave to Daddy after his doctor appointment.