Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday of Gardening

We decided today we had to plant our garden!!!! If we don't plant soon our veggies won't be coming until August...

We prayed that the rain headed this way would hold off... at least for a couple hours!!!

We finished processing our soil in the garden with the help of our two munchkins. Let we created our raised beds in the soil. We then put down the black tarp which is supposed to help prevent weeds from springing up everywhere... We sorted out the veggies and then I got started planting as Bob put up the fence around the garden to keep out small children, deer, and our dogs! We hope to have some amazing veggies and fruit this year! We planted tomatoes, corn, zucchini, cucumbers, onion, green beans, watermelon, strawberries, peppers, eggplant... I think that is it... So, we'll see! I hope that we get some yummies from all our hard work!! And... God was on our side today... it didn't rain all day long!!

We even got three apple trees planted. We hope in the future years we will get some delicious apples from those trees!

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