Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mother's Day Tea

Mother's Day Tea for Morgan at school.
Dress up for the tea party
I was so excited to get to go to school and see Morgan in her classroom environment. It was a bit disorganized but I enjoyed myself. I saw them play at recess in their indoor recess room, and then we went back for circle time. The kiddos sang some songs for us and then it was time for centers. I think Morgan's teacher did not think through her plans enough because the centers/tea/yummies was a bit chaotic. We ended up staying almost 30 minutes late to get through everything. Even if it was a little chaotic it was nice to be with my baby girl! She was so excited to have me there too! She came over at least 10 times to give me a kiss. Wow, I love that kiddo!

Thank you MeMom for watching RJ for me while I spent some quality time with Morgan!

After school MeMom when home and the kiddos and I went to the park for lunch and to run around. Janet was cleaning the house so we needed to vacate! The kiddos had a fun time running around and playing on the equipment. We came home just in time for naps! I sat outside and worked on school paperwork for a couple hours before waking the kiddos up to leave for RJ's swim lesson. Busy day!

But a wonderful day spent with my beautiful babies!

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