Monday, July 8, 2013

Library - SCORE!

I decided to take the kiddos to the library again so that Julie could pick out some books to read while she was with us.  The kiddos and I got books about a week ago, but we can never have too many books!

It worked out perfectly!  We got there and picked some books out and then it was story time!  SCORE!  The theme was dinosaurs!  The librarian was great, alternating little songs and at least 3 different books!  After she read the books crafts were set up for the kiddos to complete.  They all seemed to enjoy it and they had a great time...and we spent a couple hours there!

Made dinosaur charms out of play doh.  
Once they dry we will put them on a necklace.

Walking in a dinosaur's feet!

We came home and ate lunch, played outside for a bit, and then took rest time.  Woke up, ate supper and headed to Morgan's soccer game.  She scored a goal!  Way to go Morgan, Wahoo!

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