Thursday, July 11, 2013

Da Vinci Science Center

Today we decided to head to the Da Vinci Science Center.  The theme, Grossology!

We had to convince Morgan to go since she does NOT like talking about what is inside our bodies.  She has a book about the Berenstain Bears that is called Junk Food and she has hid it somewhere in her room because it shows the bones, muscles, veins, etc that are inside your body.  She is totally grossed out by it!

Daddy promised her he would NOT make fun of her so off we went!  It is in Allentown so not too far of a drive, thank goodness!

Check out our pictures!
Above: the faucet nose actually had a 'booger' come out of it!  Eww!
Below: disgusting... you push a button and you can ACTUALLY smell under arm, anus, pass gas, 
and I forget the last one...
Here they show you how you digest your food...
A huge Operation man!

Push a soda lever up and down enough times and this fella burps at you!

Don't know about this one... I stayed far, far away!
Climbing in the human body!
Combining yellow, blue, and red to make different colors!

Daddy trying to figure out a puzzle.  
These puzzles were hard!!
Building towers... try to defy gravity!
Wind speeds of a hurricane!

We are on TV!

Strong women!

How do gears work?

Fun times!


JTC said...

Omg !!! I love all the pictures they are so funny and adorable, im so jealous you guys are have a blast.

JTC said...
