Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Morgan’s 15th bday!

Morgan turned 15 today.  How is this possible?  Where has the time gone?  Morgan never ceases to amaze me!  She is growing up into such an amazing young lady!  Morgan, you are beautiful inside and outside!  Never stop sharing your personality!  Taking all honors and AP classes, participating in Marching Band now and soon beginning Swim Team for the high school and then planning on participating in track in the Spring.  Wow!  Momma loves being the Uber, but wait, where do I pick you up and when? lol.  All these activities with keeping all A's and B's in her challenging classes! Although she spends more time in her bedroom 'doing homework' (or as I have noticed watching Netflix or playing on her phone) she still graces us with her attention and presence at least once a day!  :)  She continues to share important information with us and trusts us when she needs us!  Time flies and I'm treasuring every moment I have with her!  

Happy Birthday sweet girl!  Keep being you!

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