Friday, March 13, 2020

My first day of 'School-cation'

Due to the Corona Virus scare my school district has closed for the next two weeks... so today... I took some shots of my morning...

After seeing Morgan off to the bus (from the house) 
I actually walked RJ to the bus stop!

A great workout in the messy basement

BJ's trip to get things with my coupons before they expire... no, I did NOT need toilet paper... they had  NO toilet paper or paper towels on any of their shelves, wow!  The line was from the front of the store to the back... I was standing in the line that started at the front of the store and could have gotten some sliced turkey while I waited! hahaha.  The line actually moved pretty quickly!

Lots of laundry was washed and dried!

Required google hangouts faculty meeting! No one knows what they are doing!  Blind leading the blind... guess we'll figure it out as time goes on!

Ended the night with Bob and I going to our favorite Mexican restaurant.  

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