Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fabulous Father's Day

Daddy had a great day!  After church we headed out in the jeep for a LONG jeep ride.  We checked out lots of covered bridges and took a couple stops along the way.  5 hours in a jeep is a long time!!  The kids and I were good troopers and didn't complain too much :)  Off we went...
Jeep Selfie!

Sand Castle Winery! 

'Playing' at Ringing Rocks Park!

The idea is to walk around this huge field and hit rocks with hammers and the rocks make different sounds!  Bob didn't remember a hammer and a wonderful sweet woman heard us saying this to the kiddos and she gave us her hammer as she was leaving!  There is still some special, kind bystanders out there!!

Selfie at Ringing Rocks park!


At this park rock climbers actually propel down, Bob said he always hears about problems occurring here!  Pretty far down!!

Fun day jeep-ing around!  After our exploration we headed to MeMom and Pop Pop's house for a delicious Roast Beef/Potatoes/Green Beans/Corn supper with MeMom, Pop Pop, Grandmom, and Granddad!

What a nice Father's Day!  Love to my father, my husband, and all the great dads I know out there!

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