Saturday, October 5, 2013

Freddy's Fall Fest!

I love fall!  I love all the activities that come with fall including the hayride to pick your own pumpkins!

Today was that day!  Yipee!  BUT, 84 degrees?!  REALLY fall?  You are hurting my feelings!  I don't enjoy sweating as I look for pumpkins (and carry all fourty pounds) in the pumpkin patch!  Today we traded in jeans and sweatshirts for shorts and t-shirts.

Daddy had to work today so he didn't get to come. Boo!  Aunt Melanie decided to come with us, yea!

I was actually surprised that it wasn't packed!  I thought it would be much more crowded knowing it was the first day of fall fest.  We didn't have to really wait in line for anything except the ticket booth and the ice cream parlor, but even those lines were not too bad!

We all found the perfect pumpkin, enjoyed the corn maze and slide, and some delicious ice cream!  I also enjoyed snapping away pictures on my camera!

 RJ is loving the tractor!!

Awesome shots going down the slide!
First RJ...

Next, Morgan's turn!

 Tractor Ride to the big pumpkin patch!

 Hmm... so many, where is the perfect one for me?

 Found MY perfect one!

Posed pictures! 
(While they still let me!)

 Thanks for spending a (hot) fall, pumpkin picking, ice cream eating day with us Aunt Melanie!

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