Saturday, April 13, 2013

Morgan + bike = EXCITING NEWS!!

This process has been a FRUSTRATING one for me!!  Maybe it is my history... as you all know... I went to a sleepover birthday party when I was 8 when I was still (what I considered) popular!  The birthday girl got a 10-speed bike for her birthday...and she let everyone take a spin on her new bike!  Me and one other girl could not ride the bike.  I was so sad... I still remember sitting and watching... there ended my 'popular' reign!  BUT I did come home, had my Daddy take off the training wheels and I learned how to ride that day!  Yes I did!  (BUT... p.s. I still am not good at riding bike and I don't really enjoy it... YET I can ride!)

So... pushing Morgan to ride her bike, get it?!  This is the third weekend I have worked with her.  Daddy has not helped because he isn't as worried about it as me.  SO... out Morgan and I went to practice... lots of countdown breathing for me and (to be honest) lots of tears from Morgan.  Also lots of breaks between trying so that Momma (ME) could calm down.  She really had trouble getting over the thought of being scared or falling.

Wa-Lah!  The third Saturday of FORCING her to try and ride her bike... MORGAN IS A BIKE RIDER!!!!!!!!!!!  Here that?!  MORGAN IS A BIKE RIDER!  yipee!! 

Morgan was so so excited to be able to ride her bike!!!!!  I was so proud of her too!!!

Now... with more practice she will get more relaxed as she rides... but I don't care what she looks like, she is a BIKE RIDER!! to work on RJ!  hehehehe....

1 comment:

Megan said...

I can't wait to see her ride it in person!!! Although I am sure she didn't need to learn it right this's still cool that she now knows how!!