Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hunting & Dying Eggs

Today we went to our local Easter Egg Hunt.  This is the third year we have gone.  The first year it poured rain, last year the kiddos hunted, and this yer they hunted too!  This is a unique egg hunt as the Lion's club is the sponsor and they dye and use REAL eggs!  I can't even imagine how many eggs they must buy and dye!  Holy Cow!  Some of the eggs have numbers on them... the numbers mean you get a candy prize.  RJ got two number eggs and Morgan got one number egg.  All is well in the world! 

After hunting we came home and dyed eggs.  Our pink/red color tablet didn't seem to work so we tried Kool Aid!  It totally worked!  Pretty cool!  Neat trick!  As we finished we had some dyed fingers too :)

Lots of eggs dyed for the Easter Bunny to hide!

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