Saturday, August 25, 2012

WOW! End of Summer!

I can NOT believe I am sitting here the weekend before real school starts for Morgan (on Monday!!) and my inservice days start Tuesday.  RJ gets lucky and doesn't start school until after labor day (although he is upset about that fact!)

We had a fantastic summer!  We did so many fun activities, visited many different places, took short trips, and stayed at home and played together inside and outside... outside most of the time!  Where did the summer go?  The summer passed by with giggles, and smiles, dirty hands and feet, scraped knees and elbows, late nights, and mornings cuddling in bed.  Lots of bike riding, swing swinging, gardening, drawing with chalk, bubbles, grass cutting, swimming, flower/tree planting and so much more!  What a wonderful summer we had with our blessed family!

Although I hate to wish my life away... I live for summer!  Summer is the time I get uninterrupted time with my precious babies...that are literally growing up before my face!  I can't believe... I am really astounded that Morgan starts kindergarten this year.  Oh my goodness... kindergarten!!!  I feel very emotional about this!  She is almost 6 and starting 'real' school.  Wow!

RJ's speech is starting to come along!  People are FINALLY starting to understand him better.  Being home all summer with him I was really able to correct him (OFTEN) and work on sound productions.  I just hope he continues to climb with his intelligibility!  He and Morgan really enjoyed playing together throughout the summer.  Morgan's love for RJ just radiates off of her! 

RJ's favorite sayings for the summer, "Ha,ha" and "I tooooold you!"

We are truly soaking up every last minute!  
May every summer be this fun and full of wonderful family time that can never be replaced!! 

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