Friday, August 24, 2012


Today was also haircut day!!  
Check out our before and after shots :)

Morgan before...

 ...and after

 RJ before...

 ...and after

Momma before...

...and after
 It doesn't look like I got a lot of... but I did get 5 inches cut off my hair to start the new school year!  (Morgan got two inches and RJ got a close cut...)

Morgan and I went to a local 'cheap' hairdresser and I took RJ to the barber Bob went to as a kid.  Almost an hour wait and his cut cost the same as our combined... but it looks good :)

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I love all the new hair-dos! You can tell that you and Morgan have shorter locks! RJ looks like a "little man" instead of a "little boy".