Sunday, August 5, 2012

Daddy's Special Day!

  Happy Birthday Bob!
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Happy Birthday Bobby!
Happy Birthday Uncle Bob!
Happy Birthday My Love!
Yea! A very special person celebrated his 38th birthday today!  The kiddos gave him warm happy birthday songs when he woke up and he got his presents.  After a morning breakfast we all packed up and headed to the Phil's Game.  We dropped Morgan and RJ with MeMom and Pop Pop and then headed down to the stadium.  Fun time and then we came home and all went out to The Perk.  It is a small restaurant about half way between MeMom and Pop Pop and us and they always seem to have good food, whatever you get.  

Hope Bob had a nice birthday surrounded by those he loves!  I hope to spend many more birthdays with this wonderful husband and father!  Happy birthday my love!

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