Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome Up

Today got RJ and Morgan up. Got Morgan dressed, got her snack ready to go to preschool (she was the special student today that got to take in snack and a show and tell) and got her settled with milk, muffins and barbie on TV. (Daddy was still sleeping) **Side note: First snack Morgan wanted to take was mac-n-cheese. Had to explain to her that she couldn't take something hot. Then she requested oatmeal. Again I explained to her it had to be cold and gave her choices. Last night she choose yogurt, this morning she changed her mind and wanted to take string cheese. She took string cheese.** Got RJ dressed, and with a cup of milk in hand packed him into the car to head over to the sitter. Dropped him off, and he had his crying fit (which he still does EVERY time I drop him off) as I left.

Work was work.

Morgan and RJ helped Daddy make supper! Great helpers!!

RJ decided he wanted to dress up today... so we let him... Snow-RJ...

Tonight we let the puppies upstairs to visit. I made sure there were no food remnants ANYWHERE in the house. First thing Lacey did was sniff every corner of every room. I win this time, Lacey you lose! After her frantic search Lacey had some love with Morgan! Morgan commented, "I love Lacey sooo much. She is my friend and Lacey loves me sooo much and she is my friend. She can't kiss you, she can only kiss me." Then she changed her mind and said, "I guess she can kiss you too Momma. She is your friend too." Thanks Morgan.

Day was topped up with a buy one get one free blizzard. Not on my diet, but I need one!

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