Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Hope everyone had a great New Year's!! Our family had a wonderful night last night. The Gardiner family came over around 4 pm and the kids just love each other!! They play so well together and Morgan and Claire let RJ and Zandi play with them almost all night!! There was only one time that I had to have a door unlocked to allow the younger ones to play! We had a yummy veggie lasagna made by Daddy, fixings provided by the Gardiners and cheesecake I made for dessert. Yum! The kiddos ate a little bit and played literally until they got packed up to head home! What a fun night, we were sad they couldn't spend the night, but we understood sleep was more important!!

Today we enjoyed some time at MeMom and PopPop's house watching the Mummers and spending time with Felicity, Uncle Bobby, and Auntie Nikki. Morgan likes playing with her cousin and we were told that Felicity is always chanting Morgan and RJ's names... they had a great time together.

The Mummers were good, and MeMom's spread of fattening appetizers that we eat for supper were delicious!!

We were also lucky to have Aunt Melanie spend some of New Year's Eve night and New Year's Day with us! We were glad she could join us so she didn't have to be alone... that would have been NO fun!

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