Thursday, April 1, 2010

Got the PHD taken care of!

Ha! PHD! Sounds great! April fools?! Below is what PHD with kids involves really stands for!


Pictures... 18 month pictures for RJ this morning. He cooperated for the first 3.5 minutes and then gave up and threw a temper tantrum and the photo shoot was over! We got a few adorable shots before he lost it! Thank goodness! We also grabbed a few pictures of Morgan in her Easter outfit before leaving. She actually wanted her picture taken!?


Haircuts... for both Morgan and RJ! It was heart breaking! I wasn't really ready to get either of their hair cuts... but I was told it was time... especially for RJ... so I figured what day was better than April 1st? April Fools Day! As you can see the kids did great! I was a bit sad as the whole thing occurred, but it was definitely more painful for me then either RJ or Morgan. We actually went down into Feasterville (which I found out after the fact is close to Bensalem... sorry Aunt Melanie, we would have stopped by if I knew we were so close... but I thought Feasterville was near Doylestown, not Bensalem... my bad sense of direction!!). There is a salon designed for kids in Feasterville! On Bustleton Pike almost exactly at the intersection of Bustleton and Street Roads. It is called Shortcuts. We had two great stylists! They were patient and did a great job! RJ sat in a race car and Morgan sat in a princess car! Perfect for both of them! RJ sucked on a lollipop the entire time and even when the clippers came close he didn't cry or scream! Wow!! It all went well and now Morgan has a long layer in her hair to help with her curls, and RJ has a little boy haircut! Oh my... my kids are grown up!




After the haircut off to the doctor for RJ's 18 month well check-up. We got there and then had to wait a while b/c the doctor was on an emergency call. (It turned out his wife and daughter were in a minor car accident). But I understood...we just *patiently* waited (using that word loosely). RJ weighs 23 pounds and is 32 inches tall. His height is still in the 5-10 percentile and his height is in the 40th percentile. His head is now 18 inches and is in the 5-10 percentile... I do raise kids with small heads! That is OK with me... rather small than big! Good news... his overall check up went well. Bad news... he is still not talking much and that is of concern. His ears also look cloudy = fluid = ENT visit! Dr. wants me to call him in three months if RJ doesn't have at least 10-15 words! My fears are coming true... I'm telling you... God is definitely testing me!!! (Aunt Melanie... I might need your friend Layne's opinion on speech for little ones!!) Nothing to worry about YET... or so I keep telling myself! Good news... Morgan's ears look great, no wax build up and both blue tubes are still in her ears!

After finishing the PHD we headed to Target to pick up some Easter things and then headed home. After being cooped up for so long the kiddos played outside from like 5pm until 7pm. We ate supper outside and then came in for baths and bed!

What a busy, yet productive day!

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