Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Act 1 - Scene 2

I haven't blogged about it because A) I have been preoccupied with the strike, and B) Since Morgan just had the surgery a couple months ago, I knew there was not too much to worry about! (Although I have to admit I didn't sleep too well last night... just Momma nerves I suppose)

This morning RJ got TUBES. 6:30am arrival time. Ugh. Daddy did not take off work so I took both Morgan and RJ to the Doylestown Surgical Center. Grandmom met us there to watch Morgan in the waiting room while I took care of RJ.

(Gotta love the feet cross!)

RJ got into his cute little gown (same one as Morgan had, I just forgot my camera with her) and then we waited patiently... attempted to wait patiently... for almost an hour! Bummer we had to wait that long, but guess it is protocol... or if the doctor/anesthesiologist doesn't show up on time... Anywho... RJ drank the little bit of 'juice' quick and easily and within five minutes looked sleepy. That was my cue to slip away before he noticed I was gone. About 2o minutes later (a little longer with him that Morgan) Dr. Nesi came out and said the surgery went smoothly. He explained that a liquid thicker than honey drained out from his ears! YUCK!! He also commented that RJ should be a changed little guy! Five minutes later a nurse came out to get me. RJ had woken up immediately and was crying and squirming hysterically. Even when I held him he did not settle down for almost 20 minutes! Nonstop screaming and forcefully moving, trying to get out of my arms. Finally he exhausted himself and he fell asleep for 4o minutes when the nurse asked me to wake him up. (The nurses assured me that 1/2 kids sleep off the anesthesia , and the other half cry/scream hysterically because they feel weird and don't know why.) After he woke up we gave him some apple juice. After a few minutes of keeping it down the nurse took off his back monitors and I got him dressed to leave.

We came home and are all watching some Clifford and WordWorld on PBS. Soon lunch and early nap for everyone... even me I think if I can get the house cleaned up quickly!

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