Saturday, April 10, 2010

Spur of the moment...

Spur of the moment we met up with Uncle Cameron, Deklan, and AJ at the park for a fun-filled windy visit! The wind didn't seem to bother the kiddos at all! Morgan and Deklan ran around together, went on the swings together, and went up and down the jungle gyms and slides a million times! RJ tried to tag along with the 'big kids' (Morgan and Deklan big kids? Oh my!) and AJ was content to be pushed on a swing for the entire two hours we were there! It was so nice! For the majority of the time we were the only ones there! It was so nice!

After the park we headed to Wendy's for lunch (Deklan choose it so he could get a frosty!). As we were walking in a 40-something woman asked me you have a two sets of twins so close together? God bless you! Wow... what to say to that? I reassured her, no, they are two separate families! After lunch if I had two sets of twins that close in age I think I may have a full head of gray hair, if I had any hair left!!

RJ fell asleep on the 15 minute ride home and Morgan couldn't stop chatting about what she had done with "her friend" Deklan! RJ transitioned right to his bed without even an eye opening! Morgan said she would take a nap but instead read books in her crib and played for over two hours before I got her up.

We went to the local fire house's annual steak and potato supper. It was good as always. Daddy dropped us off at home and went to work. We played outside for a little while then came in and went to bed!

Long, but fun day!

A couple videos of the kiddos!

RJ investigating and climbing...

Deklan and Morgan

AJ swinging!

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