Saturday, March 27, 2010

Almost over...

March is almost gone! I can't believe it! I had an amazing amount of work this month and although I am exhausted, I have just about completed two full graduate classes, 17 IEPs, working, taking care of my family, and the house! Wow!! I have not had a day off since April, so the Easter break has been well waited for!!
Today I spoke with someone who made me really look at myself. It happens to everyone once or twice (or more) over the journey of life. I was told I was a very negative, judgemental person. Yes, I fully admit I am very opinionated and very honest and will tell my friends and family exactly how I feel about something. My family and friends can either take my opinion to heart or ignore it and move on... which is what happens more often than not! I have very strong beliefs and sometimes I may not filter what comes out of my mouth, however I feel that what I say must be said for the well being of others.

After today I have made a vow to make sure I know who my real friends are and stand up for myself and my personality. I know I am not perfect, however I feel that my good qualities shine over the imperfections. I need to make sure all my friendships are two-sided. I truly love all my friends! This whole situation made me feel equally hurt, sad, and offended. This was a learning lesson in life. God doesn't give you more than you can handle!

Overall, my graduate class is almost over and that means three down and two to go!! Just about to walk down the other side of the hill! Yippee! The hard work is paying off!

The loves of my life below and what matters most to me! Family and real friends!!

1 comment:

blscholl said...

Too cute! I love the pictures of the kiddos!