Saturday, March 20, 2010

Asher's Easter Egg Hunt!

What a beautiful day for an Easter Egg Hunt!! I was taking a class today so Daddy took Morgan to the annual Asher's Easter Egg hunt! It was originally scheduled for last weekend, but it had to be rescheduled since it rained by the bucket last weekend!

Morgan said she had a lot of fun! She really liked picking up the little packages of jelly-belly jelly beans versus the plastic eggs that had chocolate in them... silly girl! She picked up the candies and put them in her princess Easter basket! (Thanks MeMom)

She was very excited to tell me all about it when she got home! She also said hello to the Easter Bunny! Maybe because this Easter Bunny had a human face. There was not a mask on the Easter Bunny's face so Morgan wasn't afraid of her! Whew! That might not have been a good scene!
Thumbs up... ready to hunt!

Morgan with her friends Angela and Hannah waiting patiently...

Saying hello to the Bunny!

Active in the hunt!

Getting that candy!

So many to pick from!

Checking out her loot! Mostly jelly beans!

Inside Ashers after the hunt

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