Saturday, June 16, 2012

Soccer and Dads

Today was soccer pictures for Morgan.  I was so afraid all week I was going to forget!!  Here is a sneak peek using my camera... cute kid.  Daddy got to FINALLY come and watch a game!!  This was the first week he was able to come... and he was working!  ha!  One nice thing about working where we play!

Grandmom and Granddad came again today to watch.  They informed me that they will be coming every week to watch.  Good to know!

Some pictures of Morgan in action...

After soccer we ran errands and then came home in time for lunch and nap.

Tonight we celebrated Father's Day with Daddy and Pop Pop.  We had a yummy supper... roast beef, ranch potatoes, and steamed broccoli with homemade key lime pie for dessert!  Yum! The kiddos even ate a good supper!  Not just a pick here a pick there!  I forgot to take a picture.  oops.  Just have to believe me that everything was delicious and a good time was spent with wonderful fathers.

Happy Father's Day to:
...and all the other amazing dads out there!

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