Friday, June 15, 2012

Dinner Party

...for Morgan and RJ!  A neighborhood mom got tired of her daughter asking to have this girl, that boy, this boy, that girl over to eat supper all the time so she decided to throw a dinner party for her daughters.  Morgan and RJ were on the guest list so OF COURSE I sent them!!  A party from 4:30-7:30 kids only!  I was sent away soon after I dropped them off!  Wow!!  a couple hours to myself?!  That never happens!!

Because I knew about the party I decided not actually sleep in a little bit this morning and I did my workout after dropping off the kiddos.  I have realized I workout better in the morning but it felt good to sleep until 7 this morning instead of 3:30am...

Here are a couple pictures of the winding down party...


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