Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dutch Wonderland - part 1

We all got up this morning excited for our coming adventure!!  We packed the car and stopped at WaWa for coffee and breakfast before getting on the road at exactly 8:30.  Off we went!!  We got to Dutch Wonderland around 9:55am.  It was chilly out!!  Our car thermometer said 63 when we got there!  It was also overcast... Daddy didn't want to lather up... but I know you can get burnt worse when it is cloudy so I suntan-lotioned up the kiddos (and myself) and off we headed into the park!
The kiddos were wiggling with excitement!!  First stop... the train! 

Next stop... visiting with Princess Brooke, her knight, the Wizard and of course DUKE! 

After saying hello to the important 'ones' we headed to what Morgan called her favorite ride... all she could talk about was the whip!  Have fun kiddo!!

We continued to move through the park.  Jeep ride anyone? 

 Next we jumped on the pandas for a ride!

Next we RAN to the bulldozers!

Then we tried the hopping frogs!  Another fun one!!

And here we are riding the rockets!

And one more choo-choo ride to finish of this post before I run out of space!!  This was hard and Daddy was able to walk behind RJ to give him a push with this stick-thingy... just check out the faces!  I love them... hard at work!

So many fun rides... more to come!! 

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