Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hot and Humid and Soccer

Today was hot even this morning at soccer!  The humidity it what is the killer!  Both teams only had five members show up... so instead of rotating and playing 4 at a time all five played the entire time... kind-of.  The green team had all it's members play the entire time.... Morgan's team on the other hand had a few troubles... one girl said she was too hot (after warm ups) and sat on the sidelines crying the entire time, and another little boy (whom I feel might be autistic) after wandering around the field (away from action) with his Dad hollering at him to play and run and kick the ball he walked up to a member on the other time and with all his might shoved her down... his Dad scooped him up and they left.  So... essentially it was 3 playing 5.  So... the final score was 5-3... not so bad when it was a constant 'power play' the entire game.  Morgan did great and is getting better at 'getting' in there to hit the ball!  Go kiddo!!

Poor RJ tried to play with a bigger kid... and got a kick in the eye... He came over crying but at the time I didn't see anything (and I figured it was just an accident)... but he does have a black and blue bruise above his eye... oh well... it will heal!

After naps the neighbor invited the kiddos over to enjoy some fun on a rented water slide moonbounce.  He told me to just send them over and he would send them home later... I made sure it was ok because they had family over to visit also.  He said seriously, leave them!  Ok!!  Well... they were there from after nap time until 9:30pm!  They played, ate, and I guess had a blast!  (I found out later it was our man-neighbor's birthday so they got the moon bounce to celebrate his birthday I guess!)

Couple pictures from the fun when I was checking on them!

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