This morning we headed to the dentist. Ok... great! We went before and Morgan did awesome so I wasn't so worried about her. I was slightly worried about RJ because the last time he wasn't very compliant... but he is a year older now so I was hoping for the best!
...and so it began with RJ! He was a little hesitant and kept saying all done, but in the end he didn't scream, he didn't cry and he didn't throw a temper tantrum. He got his cleaning, the dentist took a look (and in case I didn't know already... told me we should start saving for braces... thanks doc) and then went and got a bag of goodies!! He got more goodies then I can remember ever getting... on a side note - he had the same hygienist as I had growing up!! Too funny!!
Oh my goodness! God really didn't give me enough patience for her nonsense today!! She was absolutely a hysterical mess! Temper tantrum does not even state the level she was at! If I didn't know better I would think she was dying, LITERALLY!! I am still at a loss for words! I can't even describe her behavior! Then she told the hygienist that was to work on her I don't like you. You scare me. Oh my goodness. The hygienist was of Indian decent, but she was very sweet and did not even have an accent! (we are not prejudice at all in this house!!) She showed Morgan pictures of her kiddos and was so patient. Oh my goodness. Still mean behavior Morgan. The dentist came in and Morgan finally opened her mouth a TINY little bit while sitting, scratch that... clinging to my lap. Guess what she has in her eye tooth? Yup... a cavity. Another visit to the dentist is in Morgan's future. So... by the time her visit was done (never once did she stop screaming, temper tantruming, whatever you call her immature behavior) she had let the dentist count her teeth, find a cavity, and the hygienist got the fluoride paste on her teeth. No cleaning, but they said they would do the cleaning when she came in for the cavity. No toys for her!! Did I mention she flipped out by the fluoride taste and drooled and spit and tried to wipe her mouth on me until we got to the car. (1----2----3----4---- counting...breathe...)
I went over to the bakery to get a sandwich from MeMom and left Morgan in the running car. I really needed a few minutes of space before I did something I would regret!! She embarrassed me so much I really felt I could not control myself. This feeling was so weird and a feeling I have not had many times before. I did not like the feeling I had!!
The kiddos are home and in bed. On a good note... RJ has been even more cooperative than usual today. Maybe he can sense my mood... good job kiddo! Start to understand the female gender early in life! hehehe
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