We started with church. Unlike a couple weeks ago, RJ was an absolute angel today during mass! Yes, he had a couple 'louder' comments, but overall he has learned to whisper! Yipee!! He was sad when Morgan left to go with the children for the middle part of church, but he didn't fuss and continue a tantrum. He happily nibbled on snacks and read books throughout mass. Good job little man!
We headed to breakfast. Morgan insisted we check our small hometown restaurant for breakfast, even though Daddy said they didn't serve breakfast anymore. It was closed, so we went to another (big) diner down the street. Although I did not enjoy my omelet very much Morgan ate her pancakes (topped with strawberries and whip cream) and RJ... well... he ate some bacon but mostly sat sucking on his lollipop he got after mass. He sat... that was all that counted!! An elderly couple told me my children were angels and that I should enjoy them (also adding in they had five children, one girl the rest boys).
We came home and after some swinging on the swing set the kiddos played in the pool for a couple hours before easily and calmly going upstairs for nap (where they are now). They played nicely in the pool and it was a pleasure to watch them play together without needing me (although that is sad... it means they are growing up!!).
So far, although it is hot... it has been an amazingly easy and delightful day!!
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