Tonight I couldn't handle it anymore! I hunted around for big sheer clippers and none of my neighbors had them. So... manpower began. I started pulling out the weeds by hand! I needed to get the weeds out of the way so I could see why the dogs (especially Carleigh) were getting filthy ten times a day! **side note: does muddy water really taste better than clean cold water - - really?** As you can see I kept pulling and pulling (probably be sore tomorrow) so I could finally see what intrigued the pups so much! Yuck! As you can see what they have been drinking from is GROSS!! Tomorrow I am hoping to get river rock to cover up that big puddle! We'll start with that small area and do more next year. Hopefully this will solve my problem of muddy dogs!

What it looked like...


See all that dead grass...
all that used to be weeds!

...and the pathway
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