The kiddos lasted in the pool for about 30 minutes before they actually said they were hot! It is supposed to only get worse! I am not a fan of summer weather... I love the summer and would love the weather if I was at the beach all summer, but, that is only a dream! This hot weather and humidity is gross! I think I will have to put the air on downstairs yet again. I hate having the house cooped up... but with this heat it has to be done!!
Morgan has been making me smile recently with some of her sayings... Here are some of her *Morgan-isms"
"Can I play a game on the puter?" (Can I play a game on the computer)
"I winned you" (I beat you)
"No I amn't" (No I'm not)
This past week Morgan has really gotten into wanting to rhyme! Although her rhyming word is almost always a made up word she is able to say a word that rhymes my word... and if she asks me to rhyme and I don't make a rhyme she is able to tell me! It is amazing to see how much she is learning!
RJ's newest multi-word utterance that I understand (but you may not), "Momma, I'm talking to you."
Tonight Morgan wanted to play in the sprinkler, but RJ didn't so her fun was short lived! She said she was lonely!
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