Thursday, July 14, 2011


Within less than 24 hours project is finished! Yea!

Daddy ordered the stone to be delivered, and I was lucky... they delivered it by 10am! Yea! The kiddos and I set to work. Their work didn't last too long, but they helped move a few of the thousands of rocks! I pulled and pulled more weeds... and moved and moved more rocks! A long day of work (with a couple hours off in the middle of the hot sun day) and finished. Sorry my doggers, no more muddy water for you! Ha!! I am a bit smarter than you! Daddy also mowed down some of the other weeds to make a smaller area of 'weeds'. Thank you Daddy!! We left the cattails and we are hoping they will continue to grow around the rocks. We shall see, but for now, project done!

Check out the progression of hard work...
Hole covered.

Pile is getting smaller...

Getting there...

Daddy attempted to use the 4-wheeler and snowplow to push the rocks closer, but it didn't really work. It seemed to just spread the rocks out.

Rocks -- gone!

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