We filled two days with a ton of activities! We were on the go and having fun!
We went fishing, and I caught a fish! After the first fish I was done... I don't have patience to wait for the fish to bite!
We went swimming in the swimming pool.
And a ride around the campsite...
We went to a neat rodeo right up the road from our campsite. Bob signed the kiddos up for sheep riding and pony riding. After we watched the cowgirls warm up their horses the kiddos were called down to ride the sheep. I watched as Bob took Morgan and RJ down to the arena. Sounds fun right? What I thought... They saddle up the sheep and each kid gets a ride on the sheep? Ha... guess I am naive! Literally... ride the sheep. Morgan started crying hysterically saying no, no, no after she watched the first few kiddos attempt the sheep. RJ looked excited with a big smile... BUT Daddy decided against it! He thought RJ might truly get hurt. YES! I agree! The wranglers open the gate, stick the kiddo on the sheep, the kiddo either sits or lies down on the sheep to wrap their arms around the neck and the sheep starts running. Hold.on.tight! None of the kiddos lasted more than two seconds and were covered in 'mud' (and other brown stuff) from head to toe!
Morgan explained that she didn't want to fall in the dirt... she didn't care about falling off the sheep, she just didn't want to get dirty with poop. We had earlier talked about how the horses poop and that is why the cowgirls wear boots. Ha - my little princess.

After that there was a horse race. The horse race was a little better! The kiddos lined up, put a pretend horse between their legs and galloped a race in the
A few pictures of us watching the rodeo.

Morgan and RJ enjoyed sitting at the fire eating marshmallows that were NOT put in the fire. They are not fond of melted marshmallows, but pretended by putting the marshmallows on sticks and eating them!
Overall it was a great, fun filled weekend!
On Sunday morning we left and took the kiddos to MeMom and PopPop's as we headed down to the Phillies game! (They won by a big margin... yea!) and we saw the famous... Billy Idol with the Phanatic of course!
After the game full of excitement and lots of runs we headed back to MeMom and PopPop's house to visit a while at the Heath Family Reunion. Everyone was still there so it was nice to have the best of both worlds... the game and family! I will be getting pictures, so the pictures are to come!
Home, tired and happy! Full too!
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