Sophia joined us tonight. She was the last little one off the bus!! The bus was about 45 minutes late so we hung out with Janine and her family while we both waited for our new friends to arrive... waiting is the hardest part!! Sophia came off the bus full of energy and excitement. She was not shy and was full of questions when she got into the car.
We headed to the grocery store first so that she could pick out some foods she enjoyed. On the way to the store Sophia commented, "Whoa... there is a hill. I think I am scared!" Throughout the rest of the ride she was fascinated with the hills. We have hills on every road, but I guess in the city things are more flat or appear more flat due to all the buildings.
At the grocery store I deliberately started in the fruits and veggies section where Sophia picked out apples, broccoli, and carrots. Then in the cereal isle she picked out Reese Pieces cereal and commented, "My mom never lets me get this cereal!" (Little does she know she won't be eating that EVERY day!) Breakfasts also include pancakes, eggs, and maybe waffles with Bob home! We went throughout the grocery store and Sophia was almost running through the isles. I am sure she was tired of being cooped up in a bus and that was a long ride for a munchkin! After picking up some more things... many requests being turned down (Doritos, yogurt we already had, ice cream) we let Bob stay and pay and we headed to pick up the pizza at our local pizza joint. It was funny... when we were heading to the grocery store Sophia told us how big her grocery store was... leaving she said... "You're grocery store is really big." I guess perspective is in the eye of the beholder!
After getting the pizza we headed home. We hustled the kiddos inside to eat because we had an outside movie to get to... Sophia wanted to check everything out... and she told us specifically, "I am really good at basketball. I will show you guys how to play." We didn't really have time to play tonight because we gobbled up some pizza, all did the potty, and off we went to the outside movie. It was pretty neat... it was the Muppets. We have seen the movie as a family before but I'm not sure if Sophia had or not... she said she had but said she couldn't remember what it was about.... but it doesn't matter - - it is a great movie. We got our chairs and blankets laid out and Sophia just ran around the fields... there was tons of open grassy space and she just ran!!! Morgan and RJ tried to keep up with her... she seemed in heaven just to run around!! At the movie they were giving away free hot dogs (we already had pizza so we declined), ice cream from cold stone creamery, and bags of popcorn from the local movie theater. What nice donations from everyone!! The movie didn't start until dusk... which ended up being around 8:45. By 9:45 Sophia had to go potty... leading to Morgan and RJ saying they had to go potty... so we figured although the movie wasn't over we would head home after Bob took them to the port-a-potties (YUCK... I HATE THEM!!!)
We got home and everyone got dressed for bed. We had a quick night routine with teeth, potty, one book and quick songs. We told Sophia some rules for bed... about using the potty, if she had an accident to come get us, and the earliest she could leave her room in the morning. Off to bed we all went... hoping for a good night...
Hopefully Sophia sleeps through the night and isn't too frightened in a new place and praying that RJ doesn't have night terrors since he missed his nap today. Good night, sleep tight!
p.s. tomorrow MUST be an earlier night... for all of us, including ME!
10 months ago
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