Saturday, July 14, 2012

Soccer, swimming, and sweet fun!

This morning was a late morning for all of us!  Morgan woke up first around 8:40.  RJ woke up next around 9:00 and we went in and woke Sophia up around 9:20.  I HATE to wake up anyone... because if they are sleeping that means they need it, BUT Morgan's last soccer was this morning so we had to get up and ready to leave by 10ish. 

We all got dressed and brushed teeth and headed downstairs for breakfast.  Since we needed something quick we all had cereal... then off we headed to soccer, a few minutes late.  Got to soccer and Sophia and RJ kicked around our spare soccer ball on another open field.  Sophia was running like crazy and RJ's little leggies were trying to keep up!  They were having fun!  Bob showed up during soccer and grabbed a shot with Sophia!

It ended up that the team Morgan was playing only had three players show up... when the black team (Morgan's team) was asked if someone would play on the blue team she was the first (and only) to volunteer!  My good and sweet little girl!  She played on the blue team for the entire game... she did great and even got a goal!  She told me later she wanted to try and stop the 'good' boy on her team from scoring so much... she kind-of accomplished her goal...  She did so good today!  I was so proud of her!!

She got a medal for her participation and her soccer pictures.  They turned out awesome!!  Morgan is SO sweet... she let both RJ and Sophia have a turn wearing her medal almost immediately after she received it!  She is such a lover, a sharer (making up words), and just genuinely a compassionate little girl!  Gosh I love her! 

After soccer we swung by the store and picked Sophia up a pair of arm floaties and headed home.  I made lunches while the kiddos got in their bathing suits.  We were only home for about 15 minutes and off we went to the community swimming pool.  The kiddos had a blast!!  The swimming pool area is broken into several different sections.  The sections the kiddos stayed in were from wading level to 3 feet deep.  It made me feel good too that Sophia could touch just in case!  Morgan and Sophia had so much fun jumping in together, swimming back and forth, and whatever else they were doing! 

Morgan also took the quick swimming test.  She had to swim the length of the pool then tread water for 30 seconds before touching the side.  She passed (a little tired), but she passed and got a band that she will wear every time she comes to the pool.  The band allows her to swim in the deep pool, go down the slide, and go off the diving boards!  She is doing so well with her swimming!

We ate lunch and then they played in the water for a bit longer before we headed home.  The kiddos all took a nap/rest while I did my INSANITY and vegged for just a few minutes before Morgan and Sophia got up.

Played outside, then came in and played while I made supper.  Before heading inside Sophia and Morgan picked some tomatoes from the garden to put into our salad at supper.  We had tons of cherry tomatoes ready to pick and a few cucumbers!

After supper Bob made a campfire and we hung around the fire eating some s'mores.  Then we heard a noise and Bob said it was a deer.  Sophia ran inside followed by RJ and Morgan.  Sophia was scared to come back out after Bob said it was a deer making the 'scary' noise.  At least we had a few minutes at the fire before the wildlife noises got a little scary!  I don't think we will be camping outside... the last thing we want to do is scare Sophia to death!! 

Yum - s'mores!
Of course... RJ didn't like s'mores... so he took a pile of marshmallows on his stick to eat one by one!

We came in and all headed to bed earlier than last night!!

...oh.... forgot to mention last night we all saw a deer in the backyard (probably trying to eat our corn).  Just like Morgan and RJ, Sophia thought seeing the deer was really cool!  But the sounds of a deer in the dark was too frightening to hang outside... 

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