Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth!

We had a nice day today.  The kiddos woke up and we all cuddled in bed for a while...

We had breakfast, and then headed to Bed Bath and Beyond to order some new deck furniture (with a 20% off coupon!).  Then we stopped to buy some marshmallows and came home.  We made our patriotic dessert for the picnic then the kiddos ate a quick lunch and went down for naps.

 Step 1: put a toothpick in each marshmallow
 Step 2: Submerse marshmallow in water then towel it off 
(so you don't get dripping water)

 Step 3: Roll marshmallow in jello powder
 Step 4: Forget to take a picture of the final project.... 
I mean... eat some remaining marshmallows...
Wait... what I really mean is... stick in the fridge for at least an hour for a sweet (marshmallow) and sour (jello powder) treat!!

As the kiddos napped I made my fruit salad and did one of my Insanity videos  (Talk about cleaning the pours... I continue to sweat from places I didn't even know could!!!)  Insanity truly = INSANITY even after completing the p90x videos three times now!!!  HAD to grab a shower and then when the kiddos woke up off to our picnic we went.

We all had a nice time.  Bethanne and I caught up and got to chat while the kiddos all played together.  I grabbed a few quick shots... unfortunately the sun caused a glare I didn't know was there until I looked at them on the computer... oh well.  Uncle Bobby gave everyone some glow necklaces before we left, that was really nice!  The kiddos LOVE the glow necklaces/bracelets/sticks!!  We left a little before 8 to head home and out to the Quakertown fireworks!

What a nice surprise, Cameron texted and asked if we were going so we ended up getting to see our good friends!  The kiddos had fun playing (and allowing the time to pass quicker for them until dark... 9:30... kind of late for the start).  Uncle Cameron also supplied sparklers which the Deklan, AJ, and Morgan enjoyed.  RJ didn't really want to get in on the fun... next year I am sure will be different!!  The fireworks were running late and they finally started at 9:50.  Over around 10:15 and heading home through traffic with a tired grouchy Daddy from working in the heat all day... guess I wouldn't blame him!

What a fun filled blessed day we had! 

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