Sunday, July 15, 2012

Just another Sunday.

Today was fun.  I love having family time!  I especially enjoy when Bob has off (or takes off like today) and we can all go to church together as a family.  Sophia joined us but said she usually goes to a Spanish mass.  She followed the routines (stand, sit, kneel) with only a few nudges to comply... fits right in with Morgan and RJ although sometimes with Morgan (and especially RJ) it takes firm redirection!!  After mass Father had his candy bag BUT the youth group was giving out Popsicles... so you know what each of the kiddos got!  A Popsicle at 10:00am before breakfast.  We are awesome parents... but so are all the other parents letting their kiddos eat the cold ice!  (Like ALL kids had Popsicles in their hands while climbing into their cars!)

We headed to our local diner and had breakfast.  Sophia actually eats all her food!  Morgan followed by example and ate almost all of her food... RJ ate maybe 10 bites of his pancake. 

We came home and changed out of our church clothes, played around the house for a bit, then headed out to the Tinnicum Arts Festival.  It has lots of art from pottery to photography to paintings to crafts.  The kiddos got to learn about butterflies from the butterfly guy.  They also got their faces painted and enjoyed some kettle corn.  Next the skies looked like they could open up at anytime so we headed to get a seat to see the magician under a tent before the sky opened up.  As we watched the magician it started to rain harder and lightening and thunder.  Funny.. we saw Mr. and Mrs. Shubick there and I saw one of my little girls from school there too!  Unfortunately after the magician was done his show we decided it would be best if we left earlier than we had planned.  We weren't sure how long the rain was going to last and with the lightening and thunder... not too safe to be around metal set up tents and tall trees...

 Check out the (real) monkey on the man's shoulder!!

We drove around, went through two covered bridges, waited for a deer to cross the street and picked up barbecue pork on the way home.  Once we got home it had stopped raining but the skies still weren't looking too promising.  We ate outside and played for a bit.  We got all three kiddos washed up, RJ in a bath and the girls wanted to shower together... that was... interesting...  I helped them wash off their faces because the face paint was hard to come off, but the giggles and the 'helping' each other that took place just made me smile. 
Came downstairs and enjoyed a small dessert, watched a little bit of TV, and upstairs we all went.  Teeth, potty, book, songs, bed.  All in bed by 9:15.  LOVE IT!!  I am ready to veg in bed for a bit before I fall asleep... Bob said he would be up by 10... I have a feeling I might be gone to dreamland before then....

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