After her lesson RJ and I got in with her. I snapped a few quick shots as I watched them in get in. RJ is always all smiles when he starts the swim, then he gets cold, and he gets grouchy!
I am not sure what is going on with Morgan the last couple weeks... she has got the 'whines'. She has been whining about EVERYTHING. Whining makes my blood curl!! Urgh!!
We ran some errands, then headed home... just in time for nap! hour after I put Morgan down for nap I went to her room to see her bed all decorated with stuffed animals (which she never sleeps with!!) Being the mean Momma I am... I threatened to take her Lacey dog away if she didn't lay down immediately and sleep!!
... my threatening worked... she fell asleep!
When the kiddos woke up from nap I was a much happier Momma... and so were they!
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