Saturday, August 27, 2011

Phillies Game.


With Hurricane Irene heading into the Philadelphia area the Phillies rescheduled their Sunday afternoon game for Saturday afternoon. With Bob working Pop Pop decided to go with me to the game. We went down to Fern Rock and took the subway down to AT&T station and the stadium. We got there around noon, and after waiting a bit over an hour at 1:15 (1:05 start time) the game was cancelled with no rescheduling date announced. Big Bummer! Thanks Pop Pop for traveling down to the game (humoring me) and being a good sport for me!! I am a die-hard and was really hoping for the game to go on... but not happening!

I know I'm a bit selfish... but I want to use those tickets that I bought!!! I got season tickets for a reason and now that I am starting back to school next week I don't think I'll be able to use them! AND we missed them two weeks ago Sunday due to heavy rain too. I am craving my Phillies!

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