Friday, February 4, 2011

First preschool show EVER!

Morgan had a preschool musical tonight. We were very excited to see how she would do on stage without us and in front of an audience. She did an awesome job! She waved at all of us and was a little bit smiley with her 'best' friend in school Delaney. She would look at Delaney and Delaney would look at her and they would smile and giggle. They sang four songs. Did I mention Morgan wore her princess dress from Halloween. There was no convincing her of not wearing it... SHE.WAS.WEARING.IT!
So proud of you peanut! You weren't shy at all... my beautiful princess!

1 comment:

Megan said...

OH CUTE! Andy and I just watched it together, and it melted our hearts! So glad I can see things like that even though we are far away! LOVE HER!!!