Friday, February 18, 2011

Tubes x 2

7:50am arrival time.
Today was the day again... a lot different though this time... going through CHOP. We got there and signed in, then we were taken back to his own little room where I changed him into his little gown with those cute little socks! We walked to the scale and got him weighed and got his height. He also got a bracelet on his ankle with his name and a specific number, in which I got a matching one for my wrist. Several nurses helped us through the process. He got unhappy when his temperature was taken, I think he was afraid someone was going to prod at his ears again. The blood pressure cuff didn't work because he couldn't stay still, and he wasn't very fond of the tightness the cuff gave (wonder why!).

RJ was given some giggle juice and after about 15 minutes and a visit from Dr. Germiller the ENT and the anesthesiologist RJ was taken from arms in his drunken-state back for his surgery. Off to the waiting room I went. They warned me this time that he may wake up with "emergence delirium." The definition of this is: a dissociated state of consciousness in which the child is inconsolable, irritable, uncompromising or uncooperative, typically thrashing, crying, moaning, or incoherent. Nice. He had this last time, but I was not warned, at least this time I was warned both by his first experience of this, and by the nurses. It truly is scary when your child is literally a flailing hot mess that can not be comforted no matter what!!

I was called back about 20 minutes after he was taken from me. He was sleeping peacefully with a little air tube pointed towards his mouth and a tongue crib to keep his mouth open so the air went to his airway and it wasn't obstructed by his tongue.

The doctor came over and told me everything went well. Both tubes were in his ear canals and he removed them before putting new ones in. He also mentioned that his one ear had a larger hole than the tube size. What that means is one thing for sure. Dr. Germiller had to put some kind of silicone around the tube so it didn't fall into his ear drum. The bummer part of the holes: if his ears don't heal by themselves another surgery will be needed to close the holes. Let's hope the holes close on their own after the tubes fall out!!

Then RJ woke up. He woke up very peaceful and calm. (wow!!) I held him and cuddled him and he ate two popsicles. He stayed calm until I tried to put his pj's back on to try and leave. He started FLIPPING out!! He wouldn't calm down and the nurse helped me dress him and the nurse carried him out to the car for me. Guess she didn't trust me. Urgh. He cried hysterically the whole way home (even during a quick stop to Carroll's to pick up my diamond, all fixed for free, yea!). He was still whining and moaning after we came inside the house. Finally around almost noon he started to settle down. The emergence delirium got him again. Since then he has been fine, thank goodness!!

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