Thursday, February 3, 2011

Scene One--Take Three

Today was a crazy day!! After the snow day yesterday I had to take a half day from work to take the kiddos to the ENT at the CHOP satellite campus in Chalfont/New Britain. I raced home up 309, and raced back down 309 with Morgan and RJ to make our 12:30 appointment. We got there just in time and after checking in were almost taken immediately. First we saw the nurse practitioner who looked in both the kids ears. Morgan sat nice and still...RJ was a bit squirmy.

Waiting patiently for the doctor

Waiting... intrigued by the the trash can
(push a foot pedal, the lid raises)

Still waiting...
playing with the spinning stool

and waiting...
Wrestling on the floor (ewww!)
**Insert Momma cringing here...
can't even imagine what might be on the floor**

Upset because Momma said no more playing around!

FINALLY the doctor came in. He looked a little bit like a mouse to me. Morgan sat nice and still while he looked in her ears, used a tweezers like tool to take out the tube that was 'hanging out' in the ear canal, and blew air into her ear to see if there was any fluid. Morgan said it all tickled. She was excited because the doctor wrapped up her tube and put it in her pocket to take home. Now she has a souvenir! When it was time for RJ all heck broke loose! The doctor came towards me (with RJ on my lap) and said... just listen to my hold and we'll work together to keep RJ still. I literally had his legs locked between my legs, one of his arms wrapped around my back and pinned to the chair between my back the the chair, and my hands were on his shoulder to keep him down. The doctor literally used one hand and firmly held RJ's head against my bosom. Even with all of that RJ still found a way to move around. Morgan so kindly asked, "Momma, are you sweating?" By the end, I was sweating, the doctor was perspiring, and RJ was dripping with tears and sweat, and was beat red from screaming so much! In the end, RJ has lost one tube and the other is in his ear, but the doctor wasn't sure if it was still functioning, because it appeared both ears had some fluid in them. Recommendation: tubes. February 18th is the date. That is only two weeks... that was sooner than I thought!

**side note: The audiologist in December said RJ's worst ear was his left, today the ENT said RJ's right ear was the worst. Hm... who is right here?**

Here is how I passed the time... with a photo shoot! Morgan wanted to make different faces, have fun baby girl!

1 comment:

Megan said...

wow....what an interesting day. Love the photo shoot of Morgan - is modeling in her future?!?