Sunday, July 25, 2010


Today I am really struggling with stopping. I would still love to be nursing RJ, but everyone around me tells me it is a good time to stop. He is just about 22 months old and he does not NEED to nurse anymore. I decided that since Bob and I were going away for a night it would be a good time to stop nursing. I did not enjoy the thought of pumping before bed and then when I woke up. Really tried hard to be strong and make myself believe this was the correct thing to do! I did ok while we were gone! I even did ok last night. I had Bob put RJ to bed last night to prevent the urge for RJ to want to nurse. This morning I asked Bob to get RJ up and as soon as he entered our bed for snuggles he came over to me pulling at my nightgown saying, "Boo-boo". When I told him no he began hysterically screaming. It BROKE.MY.HEART! I had to leave the room before I either A. broke down and cried with him or B. gave in and exposed myself for him. I could easily have allowed him to begin nursing again, but I tried to stay firm. (Did I mention my breasts have been sore b/c they are full of milk so it would be really easy just to go back to nursing? I know; To much info...) Just struggling today... mentally and physically and emotionally!

1 comment:

blscholl said...

Best of luck:) We are still nursing here. Just be proud of how long you have nursed RJ!