Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Strasburg Railroad

Bedtime last night was interesting... We had two double beds in the room. RJ slept in his pack-n-play and Morgan requested to sleep with Daddy. Ok, I get the other bed to myself! YES! Don't know how I scored that one, but I'm not complaining!! We had a little balcony overlooking the indoor pool so Daddy, Morgan and I sat out there for about ten minutes while RJ fell asleep in his pack-n-play. Morgan climbed into bed with Daddy and I climbed into the bed closest to RJ's pack-n-play. Needless to say I heard every movement either of the kids made! Around 1am I heard a thump, figured it was just RJ moving around again... Around 3:15am RJ started fussing, standing up in his bed. I held him in my bed and after about an hour I was able to slide him into the bed next to me. He slept perpendicular to me so needless to say I was continuously kicked throughout the rest of the 'night.' He was fully awake around 6:45, ugh. Morgan was fully awake by 7:15am, double ugh. We were all up and moving by 8:00am. Did I mention that thump? The thump was Morgan falling off the bed! Thank goodness I thought ahead and put pillows down on the floor between our beds! Funny though... she didn't even wake up! Ha! I had Morgan reenact where I found her sleeping in the morning. She actually asked me, "How did I get here Momma?" I told her and she laughed saying that was silly!

After breakfast we headed to the Strasburg Railroad. It was not what we expected, but Morgan seemed to really enjoy it. RJ enjoyed some of it, but sitting still was rough for him! He loves to be constantly on the go!

After the railroad ride we headed over to the outlets and shopped the rest of the day away.

After a long two days...

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