Saturday, February 6, 2010


Sledding with the neighbor girls Morgan is in the middle

Morgan looks like she is walking in clouds

RJ was just content sitting in the snow without moving

My cutie pies

Daddy snow blowing!

We had lots of fun out in the snow today! Although we didn't get as much as other places (i.e. Aunt Meggie/Uncle Andy's and Uncle Bobby/Auntie Nikki's) we still had lots of fun!

Officially marshmallows... all of us! We got out in our snow today! About 10 inches I think, give or take. I was hoping for more, but I'll be happy with what we got! Morgan had a great time in the snow! She took some sled rides with the neighbor girls, played in the snow and made 'snow castles' with her sand castle tools, shoveled a bit and played with the dogs! She was out twice today! Daddy was out using his snow blower! I was out taking some pictures (of course), shoveling out some areas that the snow blower wasn't going to get to, and playing with the kiddos . When RJ came out after lunch and nap (Morgan's second time out) he wasn't so sure about the snow. Every step he tried to take he fell. Those silly snow pants! He was more content to just sit and watch Morgan! He also like being pulled around in his sled! We all lasted for a bit over an hour before RJ "told" us it was time to go in! Morgan wasn't quite ready, but she came somewhat willingly with the promise we would come out again! Each time we came in she wanted to warm up by the campfire (fire place) with a treat cuddled under blankets!

What a fun-filled snowy day! Let's hope we all have long sweet dreams!

p.s. My graduate class was canceled for today and is canceled for tomorrow... great for now, stinks for later because we will have to make it up... urgh... But I'll enjoy the here and now!!


blscholl said...

What class are you taking?

Beth said...

I am taking Diversity with Dave Page... rescheduling stinks! I am taking a Mary Martha in March I think with the amazing lady herself!?

blscholl said...

I am sorry to hear about rescheduling. The class that I am teaching was scheduled to start Tuesday was cancelled so we are making it up this Tuesday.