Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow Clean - up!

Today we went back outside to finish shoveling and snow blowing the sidewalks and driveway. The wind drifts made it a bit ugly out there! Morgan just loves the snow! She can't seem to get enough of playing in it, digging in it, and eating it! She always comes in with rosy cheeks and cold hands! We throw everything in the dryer and a couple hours later she is ready to go at it again!

After RJ woke up from his nap today (p.s. today is the second day in a row Morgan refused to nap and just read books and sang to her animals) Daddy took the kids outside on a sled ride. He struggled a little bit, maybe because the snow was just too deep for a sled, but he tried and the kids held on for dear life!

Daddy loves his snow blower... thanks Granddad for letting us have it!! Men and their toys annoy me a bit, but hey, it was less shoveling for me!

Starting the sled ride...

On the sled and on their way!

Starting to fall...

Really falling off... HELP DADDY!

Daddy, we fell off!
I got RJ, he's ok!!

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