Friday, February 5, 2010


RJ's test run for getting all dressed up for the snow!

RJ can taste the snow already!

So, great start to the soon-to-be snowy weekend - the principle let us leave as soon as all the kids cleared out, about 1/2 hour earlier than usual! Yea! I decided to take the turnpike instead of my usual route because the turnpike would be a little faster to get home and start my weekend!

Wrong direction... go figure. I admit I am horrible with directions, but once I've gone somewhere 100 times I usually don't get lost! Until today. I took the turnpike in the wrong direction today and didn't even realize it until I saw the wrong exit sign. Only a 30 minute detour on my ride home. Bummer!

Since I took my 'detour' I stopped into the Target in Plymouth Meeting to grab some baby food and to see just by any chance there was a sled there. Yes to the baby food, no to the sled. While getting the baby food I witnessed the funniest sight I have seen in a VERY long time!! I was in the baby section getting my food when I saw the funniest sight... Let me set the scene! A mother was talking to a salesperson in the bathing isle. Her three year old-ish little girl was just wandering around the isle looking at things and being a typical three year old. About half way down the isle was a bright red toddler potty. I saw the little girl walking towards the 'sparkling' red potty. Mom was still in deep conversation with the teenage girl sales person. The little girl walked around the potty a time or two then in the middle of that isle pulled down her pants and sat down on that red potty! A few seconds later she called out, "Mommy I pee-peed!" The Mom, still engrossed only a couple feet away looked over and screamed, "Oh my gosh!!" The teenage sales person looked over and gasped! At that moment I felt I had stood there long enough getting into someone elses' business, and walked away laughing to myself as I moved onto the next item I needed. That will be a moment that Mom NEVER forgets, and I guess she will be buying THAT red potty, no need to chat about differences in potties anymore, your little girl picked for you!

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