Friday, July 12, 2013

Pool & Pizza - - Not together!

After doing some chores around the house and running a quick few errands, off to the pool we went!  It was a bit cloudy and 'cool' (relatively speaking!) and the pool was practically empty!

After the pool we came home for naps! After naps we found out that the movie night in the park under the stars had to be postponed because of the constant rain that was predicted to fall... which it did... fell all evening.

We made English Muffin pizzas for supper and it was the first time that Julie didn't complain about eating and she at all of it!  Morgan nor RJ complained either, a good food for all!

After supper we pulled out a blanket and watched Brave in our family room with popsicles/ice cream/popcorn treats to pretend we were outside!

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