As I sit here typing, after the fact, I am reflecting on Grandmom's scheduled surgery. I always want to keep information about our family open and honest, as has not always happened with others in the past.
Grandmom (Sylvia Lee) has always had a heart murmur, but it was noticed in May-ish that her heart wasn't pumping as well as it should. She went through several tests and it was determined she needed a bypass surgery and as one artery was completely clogged. It was scheduled for today.
Bob and I were at the hospital when the doctor explained that everything went well for Mom. He shared that her artery looked 'ugly' (his exact words!) and he fixed it right up for her! A couple hours later we were allowed to go and visit. She didn't look so great. She still had her breathing tube in and her color was extremely off. Bob was having a hard time seeing her in that way. She appeared agitated with the nurses (and her breathing tube) as she drifted in and out of sleep and didn't truly know we were there. But, it was to be expected after having heart surgery, not only heart surgery, but they had to break her sternum to attack the heart! She had just gone through just a little bit of trauma...
Bob and I went to supper at a nearby restaurant... it was created out of an old train station. The nurses suggested we go as it would still be another hour or two before the breathing tube would be removed. When we got back the breathing tube had been removed and Mom was resting peacefully. Her color was much better too! Her Pastor came to give her his love and share a prayer. Mom was in and out of sleep, but I kinda think she probably won't remember anything from today.
We left in the later evening and promised her we would return tomorrow. I don't think Bob realized how scary this procedure could be. I feel like Mom has not shown concern to us about her completed surgery. She had shared that so many people she knew have had this same surgery and have come out so much better afterwards.
We are all praying for her to come through this serious surgery with flying colors! Everyone I have seen in the last week I have told about the surgery and asked to pray for Mom. I have my prayer chain going for her so lets hope God hears and provides!
11 months ago
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